OPTIMAL Project Coordinator: Dr. Markus Postl OPTIMAL Project Manager: Elena Turco
JOANNEUM RESEARCH (JOR), headquartered in Graz, is an internationally active research institution owned by the Austrian federal states of Styria, Carinthia and Burgenland. The Institute of Surface Technologies and Photonics (MATERIALS) provides access to innovative structuring methods enabling large-area fabrication of flexible micro- and nanostructured films. In particular, the maskless lithography group develops high-resolution 3D structuring using two-photon lithography and continuous 2.5D structuring. The Institute for Climate, Energy and Society (LIFE) is a research institute dealing with climate change, climate risks and transformation research towards a climate-neutral society. In particular, the future energy systems and lifestyle group implements the Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method to analyse and assess energy systems, products and services.


Project Manager: Dr. Tim Buscher
BASF Coatings
The Coatings division of BASF is a global expert in the development, production and marketing of innovative and sustainable automotive OEM and refinish coatings, decorative paints as well as applied surface treatments for metal, plastic and glass substrates in a wide range of industries. This portfolio is supplemented by "Beyond Paint Solutions", which enable new applications with innovative surfaces based on functional film technologies. BASF shares skills, knowledge and resources of interdisciplinary and global teams for the benefit of customers by operating a collaborative network of sites in Europe, North America, South America and Asia Pacific. In 2021, the Coatings division achieved global sales of about €3.44 billion.


Project Manager: Dr. Steen Ørsted
DeltaPix has been a pioneer in the digital microscopy industry for more than 20 years. The first innovative product to be released by DeltaPix back in 2003, was the groundbreaking Infinity X, with 21 million real color pixels, setting new standards for microscopy cameras at that time. DeltaPix continuously develops and markets a wide range of innovative digital microscope solutions for various industrial, forensics and biomedical applications. Deltapix has established a very deep and broad expertise in microscope optics, mechanics and digital image capturing, image handling, and processing, including 3D microscopy and related technologies. DeltaPix products are primarily marketed through a world wide network of distributers and dealers, supported by an industry leading technical support.


Project Manager: Dr. Dusan Pudis
University of Zilina
The UZA team at Dept. of Physics of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of University of Zilina have extensive experience with the photonic devices, optic and optoelectronic components based on photonic structures and gratings. The laboratories at UZA use several lithographic technologies achieving patterning of 1D-3D photonic structures using direct laser writing lithography, lithography in the near field and interference lithography based on Toptica laser (405 nm / 50 mW) arranged in Mach-Zehnder configuration. Modern automatized interference lithography system allows fabrication of high-symmetry and high-quality 2D grating. UZA team publish few CC paper per year in prestigious optic and material journals and has several domestic and international projects.


Project Manager: Dr. Arthur Rabner
Hypervision develops and manufactures innovative optical engines for XR/VR. Our technology enables headsets with an extremely compact form factor, combined with high visual fidelity and a wide field of view. Hypervision is the first company to create a VR headset capable of covering the complete human field of view of 270 degrees and keeps advancing the optical XR technology. Second generation optical engine from Hypervision uses a proprietary pancake lens design, that further reduces the headset bulk and addresses many of the shortcomings of the alternative pancake designs. Hypervision has accumulated significant experience in fields of optics, HMD design, hardware, software, and optical manufacturing - seeking technological cooperation and partnerships with consumer headset manufacturers. 

Project Manager: Dr. Anja Voigt
Micro resist technology
Micro resist technology GmbH is a leading company for the development and production of innovative photoresists, special polymers as well as ancillaries for micro- and nanolithography and micro-optical applications. MRT’s products are applied in key technologies like microsystems technologies, microelectronics, micro and nano photonics micro and nano engineering as well as in Life Sciences. Serving the global high-tech markets for more than 30 years, MRT’S products enable processes like UV, Laser, X-ray, and e-beam lithography, nanoimprint lithography as well as associated patterning technologies.


Project Manager: Dr. Dušan Chorvát
Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information
Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SCSTI) is a national information centre for science, technology, innovation and education and a specialized scientific library of the Slovak Republic. Its mission is to foster development and promotion of Slovak science, research, development and innovation, focusing on intellectual property protection, commercial utilization of R&D results and outputs, support of R&D in Slovakia by specialized HW and SW infrastructure. International Laser Centre (ILC) is an organizational unit of SCSTI, providing inter-disciplinary research infrastructure for the high-level research and development in fields of laser-based and photonic technologies and their applications in biomedicine and industry.


Project Manager: Dr. Birgit Fuchs
Sony DADC Europe GmbH is a world leading manufacturer and service provider for all kinds of optical media. 35 years of experience and thriving business in the entertainment sector paired with our passion for customer satisfaction, innovation and quality empowers us to enter new business areas now. We’re focusing on the mass fabrication of challenging next generation Micro Optics products made of polymers and other cutting edge materials. With our skilled team of 30+ engineers of all fields of technology we combine selected fully automated processes to offer quality and cost competitiveness in large scale fabrication from simple to complex optical products. In our 41.000 m² manufacturing site in Thalgau/Austria we’re running 6.000 m² of an ISO 7 clean room with a best in class security setup to protect the IP of our customer. 

Project Manager: Prof. Annamaria Cucinotta
Università degli Studi di Parma
The University of Parma (UNIPR) is a state university founded in 962 DC comprising 9 departments, over 2,000 staff members and over 32,000 students. The university is located in Emilia-Romagna, an important industrial region in Italy for manufacturing and food production. The Department of Engineering and Architecture hosts a number of internationally renowned research staff with expertise in a variety of fields, with a strongly interdisciplinary environment facilitating collaboration across diverse disciplines. Research groups involved in the OPTIMAL project are specialized in laser materials processing, two-photon laser lithography, optics and laser sources, high-resolution metrology, statistical analysis of surface topography and machine-learning algorithms. UPR will be responsible for development of self-learning algorithms and dissemination of results from the project.
